
IMG_2500.JPGHi! I am Sophia Brauner. I just turned 13, so whoohoo for my transition from the fantastic world of childhood into the stressful, constricting and ridiculous stage of teenage-dome. I have a wide variety of interests, which will be blogged about on this website. A few years ago, I fell in love with carnivorous plants. Some people thought it was just a phase, but I spent a lot of time that summer researching carnivorous plants, and I am still deeply interested by them. On our ‘World Trip’, I will be studying music around the world, which is more conveinet than carnivorous plants around the world, because we cannot guarantee that we will always be traveling in places where carnivorous plants can be seen. But every time I get the chance, I will photograph them and write about them. My interest in music is just as passionate as my love for botany. I have enjoyed many different genres, but one stands out to me particularly: Classic Rock. On this trip, I hope to learn things I could never learn back home about , and to incorporate the sounds of the world into my own music.

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7 thoughts on “Sophia”

  1. Welcome to Europe, Sophia and all. Enjoy – everything – – sights, sounds, smells, tastes, textures, and their wonderful combinations and interweavings. You will bring joy to everyone you meet. Love you, Grandpa

  2. It is so wonderful to see pictures of you guys in Paris. What a great beginning to a great adventure! I love your posts Sophia.

  3. Hey there! Loving your posts so far. I just realized that we never picked up your plants! Are they still at your house? Would you like me to go get them? Happy to do it… :)

  4. Hi Sophia!
    Thank you for your Brugge, Amsterdam and the countryside post. It was a great read and I love knowing what you all have been doing. I am going to dream of oceans and stroopwaffles tonight, thanks to you. xo Lisa

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